
Eggshell Seedlings

Start Your Garden with Eggshells

Eggshells can be used for other things besides composting. We have some great ideas! For a kid-friendly activity try growing your own plants. Eggshell halves make the perfect planting containers for seedlings. Here’s how to get started.

What you will need:

  • Eggshell Seedlings
    What you need to make eggshell seedlings.
  • - Eggshell halves
    - Soil
    - Seeds
    - Egg carton


  • 1. Carefully wash eggshell halves in hot soapy water; air dry. 
    2. Fill shells with soil and gently press down. 
    3. Place 2-3 seeds in each shell and cover with a small amount of additional soil.  
    4. Place eggs into the egg carton. Water seeds every 1-2 days, keeping the soil moist. Eggshells will not drain like standard planters, so only moisten soil when watering. Do not drown seeds.  
    5. Thin seedlings as needed, allowing the strongest plant in each shell to continue growing. 
    6. Seedlings are large enough to transplant when they have their second or third set of leaves. Gently crack shells and remove a few pieces of shell from the bottom. Plant as desired 
    TIP: You can write the plant name directly on the egg!
  • Eggshell Seedlings
    Start your garden with eggshell seedlings.