
How to Use a Rasp

​How to use a rasp

There are a variety of microplanes, or rasps, available for use in the kitchen. They come in many different shapes and sizes, each with its own purpose.

Dried nutmeg is easily turned into a fine dust, perfect for holiday recipes or topping a fancy coffee.

Parmesan cheese, purchased in a whole piece instead of pre-shredded, is easy to work across the surface, and a little bit goes a long way. It fluffs up nicely, and a few quick motions quickly yields a pile of cheese.

You can mince ginger down to almost nothing with a rasp, and it makes working with ginger a dream. Finely chopped ginger without having to deal with the tough-to-slice fibres.

They’re also great for pulling the thin surface layer of zest off of a lime. This way, you get the flavour of the zest without the bitterness of the rest of the lime skin.

It’s great for baking or cocktails.

One tool, many uses.