Heavenly Whipped Shortbread

These melt-in-your-mouth shortbread cookies are made with just a few ingredients and are the perfect cookie to add to your tray of holiday baking, high tea or for a special occasion. 

Storage Time: Up to one week in an airtight container or up to 1 month in the freezer.

Yield: 4 dozen

Heavenly Whipped Shortbread


  • 1 cup salted butter, softened
  • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar
  • 48 small maraschino cherry pieces, patted dry


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Using low speed of an electric mixer, beat butter until creamy. Whisk together flour and icing sugar; beat into butter just until dough comes together.
  3. Increase beater speed to medium and beat for 10 minutes. Do not under beat.
  4. Place mixture in a pastry bag fitted with a large star tip. Pipe 2 tsp measures of dough 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets. Alternatively, dough may be dropped from a spoon onto ungreased cookie sheets.
  5. Press a cherry piece into centre of each unbaked cookie. Bake until cookies are firm and light golden around edges, about 12 - 14 minutes.
  6. Let cookies stand for 2 minutes on cookie sheets. Remove from cookie sheets and cool cookies on racks. Store, layered with parchment paper, in an airtight container in a cool dry place for up to 1 week. May be frozen.
Nutritional analysis per cookie:


57 calories, 3.9 g fat, 0.4 g protein, 5.3 g carbohydrate, 0.2 g fibre, 31 mg sodium